在线研讨会 | 培生教学法及 ODI & Poptropica 讲座报名开始
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培生服务团队计划于北京时间2017年9月20日(星期三),即美国时间2017年9月19日(星期二),举办培生产品在线讲座第四期—PD 教学法,Our Discovery Island 和 Poptropica 课程介绍。
我们诚邀各位老师报名参加,与培生教学专家一起,探讨英语教学,见证 ODI 与 POP 课程如何帮助学习者趣味学习,高效掌握英语教学知识!
1.请老师在报名链接中务必留下中国大陆手机号码,培生将会为老师统一注册本次讲座平台 Classin 账号。
2. 请老师登录 http://www.eeo.cn/ (外籍老师可登录 http://www.eeo.cn/en/ )下载 Classin客户端
(该客户端仅支持在电脑 PC 端使用)
3.培训当天,老师可登录 Classin 账号,进入直播课程。
培生面向中国的教育者和学习者,近几年先后推出了 Our Discovery Island 和 Poptropica 课程。
OurDiscovery Island 是由培生出版,为儿童英语学习量身定做的课程。课程中的六个小岛,将分别向孩子们教授六个级别的英语内容。在每个小岛上,学生和教师都可通过扮演在线游戏、课本和DVD中的有趣的人物角色,经历不同的冒险和学习之旅。
在 Poptropica 的虚拟世界中,孩子们可以在完全安全的情况下进行游戏和探索。每个月,都有来自世界各地的无数儿童,被 Poptropica 中引人入胜的探索、故事、和游戏所吸引。通过本次讲座,相信老师们可以学习并领会,如何在 Poptropica English 的教学流程设计中始终贯穿以学生为中心的教学思想,教师可以通过 Online World Active Teach 中的 LearningAdventure 步骤为主线,逐步引导学生自主学习。
Recently,with well-informed research, teachers’ education level, comprehensive qualityand professional development have been highly regarded by educators. In orderto establish the foundation of teacher’s education career for future, it is apeak time that we should realize how to improve teacher’s professional standardto make professional development promoted. Due to the leading character forteachers in whole education process, it could not be measured that differenceswill be made to education if teachers have access to improvingthemselves.
If you have great passion to learn much about teaching skills in English lessonsand today’s popular English books, please follow the Product Webinar hosttermly by Pearson Service Delivery Team. Pearson Service Delivery Teamwill hold the 4th Pearson Product Webinar on 20/9/2017 (Wednesday of Chinatime), while it will be on 19/9/2017 night time in America zone. The Webinarwill focus on Professional Development (Pedagogy) and product intro of OurDiscovery Island and Poptropica. Welcome to join us and approach how to learn teachingeffectively with expert.
By the time of the information era, it is not only bringing new motivation toEnglish teaching, but also calling out challenges to teachers. The professionaldevelopment for English teachers includes the development of pedagogy anddiscipline knowledge. Meanwhile, it is equally important to choose techniquescorrectly and apply skills expertly. Discipline pedagogy that integrated withteaching techniques provides theoretical instruction on the integration ofskills and teaching for English teachers. It is also a good reference forteachers’ professional development.
Howto join Webinar?
1.Make sure that you have left your mobile number (Mainland China) when you fillout info in the enrollment link.
Pearsonwill register Classin account for attending teachers.
(Pleasedo not register account by yourself)
2. Click http://www.eeo.cn/ (http://www.eeo.cn/en/ for Englishversion)
to download Classin.Thesoftware only can be used on your PC.
3.Onthe training day, teachers can login your Classin account and enter to the livecourse.
Service Deliver team will prepare all the account registration andcourse matching 1 week before the training (9/20),
please fill your info underregistration link as soon as possible.
Please fill in your valid mobilephone number and email address for registration verification. Thank you foryour corporation.
Aimingat Chinese educators and learners, Pearson has published Our Discovery Islandand Poptropica in recent years. OurDiscovery Island is a course for children learning English, published byPearson. There are six islands in the course, teaching six different levels ofEnglish. Each island has a different adventure, with the same fun charactersyou find in the online game, and in the books and DVDs.
Poptropicais a virtual world in which kids explore and play in complete safety. Everymonth, millions of kids from around the world are entertained and informed byPoptropica‘s engaging quests, stories, and games. Through the Webinar, teacherscan learn how to make students as the center point in lesson plan frombeginning to end. Besides, teachers can use the steps of Learning Adventure inOnline World Active Teach as main clue to lead children to learn independently.
Trainer’s bio
—— 专业讲师 ——
---PearsonAmerica Senior Consultant-
Has a B.A. in Spanish and Education from the State Universityof New York at Brockport
Has an M.A. in TESOL from TeachersCollege, Columbia University
Has been involved in ELT for more than 20 years both as ateacher and teacher trainer
Currently she is the Teacher Training Manager for Pearson ELT
哥伦比亚大学教育学院对外英语教学 (TESOL) 硕士
以教师,以及培训师身份参与 ELT (English LanguageTeaching) 工作 20 余年
现任培生 ELT 教师培训经理
期待在这次学科教师培训中,您能与培训师充分的交流教学心得,与其他教师分享高效地教学经验,与中国的 A Levels 教师群体一同成长!