- 书籍介绍
With Astronomy Today, Eighth Edition, trusted authors Eric Chaisson and Steve McMillan communicate their excitement about astronomy, delivering current and thorough science with insightful pedagogy. The text emphasizes critical thinking and visualization, and it focuses on the process of scientific discovery, teaching students “how we know what we know.”
The Process of Science - The Process of Science is emphasized throughout the book and the authors strive to give students an understanding of how scientists think and work.
Insightful Pedagogy - The Big Picture feature on each chapter opening spread explains how chapter content fits in with an overall perspective on introductory astronomy, helping students see how each chapter is connected to a broad understanding of the universe.
ART - Annotated Art, newly introduced in this edition and appearing in at least half of the book’s figures, employs a proven educational research tool by integrating written and visual information to enhance student understanding of photos and diagrams.
Eric J. Chaisson is an American astrophysicist best known for his research, teaching, and writing on the interdisciplinary science of cosmic evolution, a large public-domain web site for which can be accessed here [1]. (Closely related subjects include epic of evolution, big history, and astrobiology). He is also noted for his telescopic observations of interstellar clouds and emission nebulae of the Milky Way Galaxy, his empirical attempt to unify complexity science utilizing the technical concept of energy rate density, and his global leadership in improving science education nationally and internationally. He conducts research at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and teaches natural science at Harvard University.
Stephen Thomas (born 19 January 1976 in Edinburgh) is a Scottish former footballer, who retired from professional football in February 2007. He played for Motherwell and Wigan Athletic.
- 图书特色
Personalize learning with Mastering Physics: Mastering Physics provides students with engaging experiences that coach them through physics with specific wrong-answer feedback, hints, and a wide variety of educationally effective content.
Prepare for lecture: Prepare students for lecture with innovative and engaging media tools, tailored carefully to reinforce the textbook.
Understand the big picture: Enable students to understand the connections between topics, the real-world context, and the overarching themes, skills, and principles of physics using refined and expanded learning tools.
Foster skills for the MCAT: Gear students up for the new MCAT with enhanced life-science and biomedical applications in the text and problems, and increased emphasis on reasoning with real-world situations and data.
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