- 书籍介绍
Chemistry for Changing Times has defined the liberal arts chemistry course and remains the most visually appealing and readable introduction to the subject. The Fourteenth Edition increases its focus on environmental and other relatable issues with revised green chemistry essays throughout and new Chemistry at Home experiments, both in the text and in Mastering Chemistry. Abundant applications and examples fill each chapter and enable students of varied majors to relate to the content more readily. Updated material throughout reflects the latest scientific developments in the field demonstrating the relevance of chemistry to all students.
John W. Hill
Hill received his Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas. As an organic chemist, he has published more than 50 papers, most of which have an educational bent. He has received several awards for outstanding teaching and has long been active in the American Chemical Society, both locally and nationally. Now professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin—River Falls, Hill authored the first edition of Chemistry for Changing Times in 1972. Revising and updating this book has been a major focus of his life for four decades.
Terry W. McCreary
McCreary received his B.S. from St. Francis University, his M.S. from the University of Georgia, and his Ph.D. from Virginia Tech. He has taught chemistry at Murray State University since 1988, and was presented with the Regents Excellence in Teaching Award in 2008.
- 图书特色
Help Students Connect Chemistry to the Real World - NEW! Increased focus on sustainability throughout the text and NEW! Chemistry at Home experiments.
Improved conceptual understanding through relevant pedagogy - NEW! Estimation examples.
Also available with Mastering Chemistry®.
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