- 书籍介绍
Building on the research-proven instructional techniques introduced in Knight’s Physics for Scientists and Engineers, College Physics: A Strategic Approach sets a new standard for algebra-based introductory physics—gaining widespread critical acclaim from professors and students alike. The text, supplements, and Mastering Physics® work together to help students see and understand the big picture, gain crucial problem-solving skills and confidence, and better prepare for lecture and their future.
For the Third Edition, Randy Knight, Brian Jones, and Stuart Field have incorporated student feedback and research to strengthen their focus on student learning, and to apply the best results from educational research and extensive user feedback and metadata.
Randy Knight has taught introductory physics for 32 years at Ohio State University and California Polytechnic University, where he is Professor Emeritus of Physics. Randy received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California–Berkeley.
Brian Jones has won several teaching awards at Colorado State University during his 25 years teaching in the Department of Physics. His teaching focus in recent years has been the College Physics class, including writing problems for the MCAT exam and helping students review for this test. In 2011, Brian was awarded the Robert A. Millikan Medal of the American Association of Physics Teachers for his work as director of the Little Shop of Physics, a hands-on science outreach program.
Stuart Field has been interested in science and technology his whole life. While in school he built telescopes, electronic circuits, and computers. After attending Stanford University, he earned a Ph.D. at the University of Chicago, where he studied the properties of materials at ultralow temperatures. After completing a postdoctoral position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he held a faculty position at the University of Michigan. Currently at Colorado State University, Stuart teaches a variety of physics courses, including algebra-based introductory physics.
- 图书特色
Personalize learning with Mastering Physics: Mastering Physics provides students with engaging experiences that coach them through physics with specific wrong-answer feedback, hints, and a wide variety of educationally effective content.
Prepare for lecture: Prepare students for lecture with innovative and engaging media tools, tailored carefully to reinforce the textbook.
Understand the big picture: Enable students to understand the connections between topics, the real-world context, and the overarching themes, skills, and principles of physics using refined and expanded learning tools.
Foster skills for the MCAT: Gear students up for the new MCAT with enhanced life-science and biomedical applications in the text and problems, and increased emphasis on reasoning with real-world situations and data.
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