- 书籍介绍
Widely acclaimed both in the U.S. and abroad, this authoritative text bridges the gap between circuits and electromagnetics material. Coverage begins with transmission lines, leading students from familiar concepts into more advanced topics and applications. A student-friendly approach, full-color figures and images, and a set of interactive simulations will help students develop a deeper understanding of electromagnetic concepts and applications.
Early Introduction of Transmission Lines: Transmission lines constitute a natural bridge between electric circuits and electromagnetics. By introducing transmission lines early, students can use familiar concepts to learn about many of the properties of wave propagation in a guided structure.
UPDATED Real-world Applications: Expanded Technology Briefs connect electromagnetic fundamental concepts to their countless real-world engineering and scientific applications.
UPDATED Hands-on Simulations: A set of 10 additional interactive simulation modules, bringing the total to 52 web-based simulation modules, allow the user to interactively analyze and design transmission line circuits; generate spatial patterns of the electric and magnetic fields induced by charges and currents; visualize in 2-D and 3-D space how the gradient, divergence, and curl operate on spatial functions; observe the temporal and spatial waveforms of plane waves propagating in lossless and lossy media; calculate and display field distributions inside a rectangular waveguide; and generate radiation patterns for linear antennas and parabolic dishes.
Fawwaz Ulaby Since joining the University of Michigan faculty in 1984, Professor Ulaby has directed numerous interdisciplinary projects aimed at the development of high-resolution satellite radar sensors for mapping Earth’s terrestrial environment. He also served as the founding director of the NASA-funded Center for Space Terahertz Technology, whose research was aimed at the development of microelectronic devices and circuits that operate at wavelengths between the infrared and the microwave regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. He then served a seven-year term as the University of Michigan’s vice president for research from 1999-2005. In recognition for his outstanding teaching and distinguished scholarship, he has been the recipient of numerous honors and awards from universities, government agencies, and scientific organizations. Among them are the NASA Achievement Award (1990), the IEEE Millennium Medal (2000), the 2002 William Pecora Award, a joint recognition by NASA and the Department of the Interior, and the Distinguished FEA Alumni Award from the American University of Beirut (2006). In 2006, he was selected by the students in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as "Professor of the Year," and shortly thereafter, he was awarded the Thomas Edison Medal, the oldest medal in the field of electrical and computer engineering in the United States.
Eric Michielssen Professor Michielssen joined the University of Michigan in 2005 after a decade-long tenure at the University of Illinois. Professor Michielssen was the recipient of a 1995 National Science Foundation CAREER Award, and the 1998 Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Valued Service Award. In addition, he was named 1999 URSI United States National Committee Henry G. Booker Fellow and selected as the recipient of the 1999 URSI Koga Gold Medal. He also was awarded the University of Illinois’ 2001 Xerox Award for Faculty Research, appointed 2002 Beckman Fellow in the University of Illinois Center for Advanced Studies, named 2003 Scholar in the Tel Aviv University Sackler Center for Advanced Studies, and selected as University of Illinois 2003 University and Sony Scholar. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.
Umberto Ravaioli Professor Ravaioli attended the University of Bologna, Italy, where he obtained degrees in Electronics Engineering and Physics. After developing interests in high speed semiconductor devices and large scale computation, he pursued a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at Arizona State University, where he developed Monte Carlo particle simulations for the high electron mobility transistor.
He joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1986. He was a co-founder of the National Center for Computational Electronics. He is now the leader of the Computational Multiscale Nanosystems group at the Beckman Institute of the University of Illinois and is also serving as Senior Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs in the College of Engineering.
Professor Ravaioli is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (IOP). He received the First Place Outstanding Paper Award at the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Electron Information Technology for his recent work on electro-thermal simulation.
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