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Edexcel International GCSE and Cambridge IGCSE
GCSE是英文general certificate secondary education的简称,即英国普通初级中学毕业文凭,相当于中国国内的初中毕业的考试文凭,但实际上,GCSE是英国中学4年级和5年级的学校课程,程度和要求都比国内初中毕业生要高,从理论上说应该是国内的高一学生申请较为合适。经过两年GSCE学习后,学生方可进入GCE阶段的学习。学生GCSE的成绩将被作为GCE甚至大学录取的参考。
Edexcel International GCSE
We publish a fantastic range of resources for the Edexcel specifications. We work with experienced authors and examiners to design resources that help to fulfil your students’ potential. Written by experienced practitioners, our resources provide comprehensive preparation and support for Edexcel International GCSE.
Written in a clear, engaging style that all students will find easy to understand. Activities and exercises for self-study, as well as exam-style questions and summaries to aid revision.
Engaging digital resources for additional learning and revision support. Resources include: Student Books, Revision Guides, Practice Books, Audio CDs, Teacher’s Books and extensive digital resources.
Heinemann for Cambridge IGCSE® Providing you with unrivalled support for the Cambridge IGCSE®
We publish a fantastic range of resources for the Cambridge specifications. We work with experienced authors and examiners to design resources that help to fulfil your students’ potential. Resources include: Student Books, Revision Guides, Practice Books, Audio CDs, Teacher’s Books and extensive digital resources.
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GCSE每年9月开学,一般应提前3-6个月申请,中国学生团申请International GCSE课程的基本要求:
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New Pre-school Longman Elect|朗文新编幼儿英语教材|共6级
《朗文新编幼儿英语教材》New Pre-school Longman Elect 由专业的教育顾问团队编写,为小班、中班、大班的学生设计,教材应用了多感官学习法,能增加孩子学习乐趣,提高学习效能。趣味横生的学习体验,丰富全面的教材方案,帮孩子打好英文基础。
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