- 书籍介绍
Ensure students grasp the relevance of econometrics with Introduction to Econometrics–the text that connects modern theory and practice with motivating, engaging applications.
The Third Edition Update maintains a focus on currency, while building on the philosophy that applications should drive the theory, not the other way around.
詹姆斯•H•斯托克(James H.Stock),哈佛大学经济系教授,加州大学伯克利分校经济学博士。曾任教于加州大学伯克利分校及哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院。他的研究领域为经济计量方法、宏观经济预测、货币政策等,是计量经济学领域的权威,尤其擅长时间序列分析的研究。
马克•W•沃森(Mark M.Watson),普林斯顿大学经济系教授,加州大学圣地亚哥分校经济学博士。他的研究领域主要包括:计量经济学的时间序列分析、实证宏观经济学、宏观经济预测等。
- 图书特色
Personalized learning with MyEconLab–recommendations to help students better prepare for class, quizzes, and exams–and ultimately achieve improved comprehension in the course.
Keeping it current with new and updated discussions on topics of particular interest to today’s students.
Presenting consistency through theory that matches application.
Offering a full array of pedagogical features.
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New Pre-school Longman Elect|朗文新编幼儿英语教材|共6级
《朗文新编幼儿英语教材》New Pre-school Longman Elect 由专业的教育顾问团队编写,为小班、中班、大班的学生设计,教材应用了多感官学习法,能增加孩子学习乐趣,提高学习效能。趣味横生的学习体验,丰富全面的教材方案,帮孩子打好英文基础。
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