- 书籍介绍
Using simple, straightforward examples to present complex mathematical concepts, Introduction to Management Science gives students a strong foundation in how to logically approach decision-making problems. Sample problems are used liberally throughout the text to facilitate the learning process and demonstrate different quantitative techniques. Management Science presents modeling techniques that are used extensively in the business world and provides a useful framework for problem-solving that students can apply in the workplace.
The Twelfth Edition focuses on the latest technological advances used by businesses and organizations for solving problems and leverages the latest versions of Excel 2013, Excel QM, TreePlan, Crystal Ball, Microsoft Project 2010, and QM for Windows.
伯纳德•W•泰勒(Bernard w. Taylor III)美国弗吉尼亚理工大学Pamplin商学院管理科学讲座教授、商务信息技术系主任,拥有佐治亚大学博士学位。曾担任美国决策科学学会(DSI)会长,并获该学会杰出服务奖。在《运筹学》、《管理科学》、《决策科学》、《工业工程师协会汇刊》等国际一流学术刊物上发表论文80余篇。他与人合作发表在《决策科学》上的有关日本看板系统的论文因对生产与运营管理领域的贡献而获得Stanley T. Hardy奖。
- 图书特色
REVISED! 800-plus Excel homework files on the Instructor’s Website have been replaced with new Excel 2013 files.
NEW! More than 140 new Excel spreadsheet screenshots for Excel 2013 are included in this edition. Most of these screenshots include reference callout boxes that describe the solution steps within the spreadsheet. Files that include all the Excel spreadsheet model solutions for the examples in the text (data files) are included on the Companion Website and can be easily downloaded by the student to determine how the spreadsheet was set up and the solution derived, and to use as templates to work homework problems.
Excel QM Add-Ins provide a generic spreadsheet setup with easy-to-use dialog boxes and all of the formulas already typed in for specific problem types. Unlike other “black box” software, these add-ins allow users to see the formulas used in each cell. The input, results, and the graphics are easily seen and can be easily changed, making this software ideal for classroom demonstrations and student explorations.
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