- 书籍介绍
Praised for its exceptionally clear presentation of complex topics, this #1-selling text for microbiology non-majors provides a careful balance of concepts and applications, proven art that teaches and the most robust, dynamic media in Mastering Microbiology. The Twelfth Edition of Tortora, Funke, and Case’s Microbiology: An Introduction focuses on big picture concepts and themes in microbiology, encouraging students to visualize and synthesize tough topics such as microbial metabolism, immunology, and microbial genetics. The text and accompanying resources also help students make connections between microbiology theory and disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Gerard J. Tortora is a professor of biology and teaches microbiology, human anatomy, and physiology at Bergen Community College in Paramus, New Jersey. He received his M.A. in Biology from Montclair State College in 1965. In 1995, he was selected as one of the finest faculty scholars at Bergen Community College, and was named Distinguished Faculty Scholar. In 1996, Jerry received a National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) excellence award from the University of Texas and represented Bergen Community College in a campaign to increase awareness of the contributions of community colleges to higher education.
Berdell R. Funke received his Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. in microbiology from Kansas State University. He has spent his professional years as a professor of microbiology at North Dakota State University.
Christine L. Case is a registered microbiologist and a professor of microbiology at Skyline College in San Bruno, California, where she has taught for the past 44 years. She received her EdD. in curriculum and instruction from Nova Southeastern University and her M.A. in microbiology from San Francisco State University.
- 图书特色
Help Students Visualize and Master the Toughest Topics and More
Active Learning Pedagogy Encourages Critical Thinking
Keep your course current with the newest developments in the microbiology field
Also available with Mastering Microbiology®
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