- 书籍介绍
Long considered the standard for all organizational behavior textbooks, Organizational Behavior provides the research you want, in the language your students understand. This text continues its tradition of making current, relevant research come alive for students.
The Sixteenth Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most current recent research for Organizational Behavior, while maintaining its hallmark features —clear writing style, cutting-edge content, and engaging pedagogy. There’s a reason why Robbins textbooks have educated millions of students and have been translated into twenty languages–and it’s because of a commitment that provides the kind of engaging, cutting-edge material that helps students understand and connect with Organizational Behavior.
斯蒂芬•P•罗宾斯(Stephen P. Robbins),美国圣迭戈州立大学管理学荣誉退休教授,管理学与组织行为学领域世界最畅销教材的作者。他的书已销售500多万册,被译为20种文字在世界各地广泛使用。他的研究兴趣集中于组织中的冲突、权力和政治,行为决策,人际技能开发等方面。罗宾斯博士还积极参与教师田径比赛。1993年年届50岁之际,他赢得了18个全美冠军和12个世界冠军,目前仍保持着65岁以上100米和200米短跑的世界纪录。蒂莫西•A•贾奇(Timothy A. Judge),美国圣母大学门多萨商学院Franklin D. Schurz讲座教授,曾执教于美国佛罗里达大学、艾奥瓦大学和康奈尔大学。主要研究兴趣在人格与个体差异、领导力与影响行为、内外部人员配置、工作属性等领域。美国心理学会和工业与组织心理学会会士,曾荣获Ernest J. McCormick杰出青年研究贡献奖。
- 图书特色
Personalize Learning with My Management Lab: Inspire the exchange of new ideas and foster intriguing discussions with the abundant resources found in My Management Lab.
Help Students Better Understand Their Behavioral and Interpersonal Skills: Personal Self-assessment library (S.A.L) is a learning tool that includes 69 research-based self-assessments.
Keep Your Class Current and Relevant: The most substantial updating ever: Every chapter of the Sixteenth Edition contains new or updated features.
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