- 书籍介绍
The Fifth Edition of Statistics for the Life Sciences uses authentic examples and exercises from a wide variety of life science domains to give statistical concepts personal relevance, enabling students to connect concepts with situations they will encounter outside the classroom. The emphasis on understanding ideas rather than memorizing formulas makes the text ideal for students studying a variety of scientific fields: animal science, agronomy, biology, forestry, health, medicine, nutrition, pharmacy, physical education, zoology and more. In the fifth edition, randomization tests have been moved to the fore to motivate the inference procedures introduced in the text. There are no prerequisites for the text except elementary algebra.
Myra L. Samuels (late) was an Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology in Purdue’s Department of Veterinary Pathobiology and Associate Director of Statistical Consulting in the Department of Statistics. She received her PhD in Statistics from the University of California–Berkeley, under Jerzy Neyman, and taught at Purdue for 24 years. Her research was oriented toward issues in biostatistics and included both conceptual issues in mathematical statistics and collaborations on applications. Myra was a member of the American Statistical Association, the Biometric Society, and the Society for Clinical Trials. Dr. Samuels passed away in 1992.
Jeff Witmer is Professor of Mathematics at Oberlin College. He received his PhD in Statistics from the University of Minnesota and taught at the University of Florida before coming to Oberlin. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and an elected member of the International Statistics Institute.
Andrew Schaffner is Professor of Statistics at California Polytechnic State University–San Luis Obispo and faculty statistician for the Environmental Biotechnology Institute. He received his PhD in Statistics from the University of Washington. His research involves statistical applications in environmental monitoring.
- 图书特色
Real data in the examples and exercises provide practical and relevant ways for students to connect concepts to situations they will encounter outside the classroom.
Probability theory is included only to support statistics concepts.
Structured to Foster Success.
Exercises are designed to focus students’ attention on concepts and interpretations rather than on computation.
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