- 书籍介绍
Giancoli’s text is a trusted classic, known for its elegant writing, clear presentation, and quality of content. Using concrete observations and experiences students can relate to, the text features an approach that reflects how science is actually practiced: it starts with the specifics, then moves to the great generalizations and the more formal aspects of a topic to show students why we believe what we believe.
Written with the goal of giving students a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of physics in all its aspects, the text uses interesting applications to biology, medicine, architecture, and digital technology to show students how useful physics is in their own everyday lives and in their future professions.
Douglas C. Giancoli obtained his BA in physics (summa cum laude) from UC Berkeley, his MS in physics at MIT, and his PhD in elementary particle physics back at the UC Berkeley. He spent 2 years as a post-doctoral fellow at UC Berkeley’s Virus lab developing skills in molecular biology and biophysics. His mentors include Nobel winners Emilio Segrè and Donald Glaser.
- 图书特色
Engaging applications and elegant writing show the relevance of physics.
Concrete applications, observations, and experiences that students can relate to show students how useful physics is in their everyday lives and future professions in such areas as biology, medicine, and architecture.
Proven pedagogy guides students through common misconceptions to teach important problem solving skills.
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《朗文新编幼儿英语教材》New Pre-school Longman Elect 由专业的教育顾问团队编写,为小班、中班、大班的学生设计,教材应用了多感官学习法,能增加孩子学习乐趣,提高学习效能。趣味横生的学习体验,丰富全面的教材方案,帮孩子打好英文基础。
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