- 书籍介绍
This engaging introduction to how people use IS to solve business problems explains why MIS is the most important course in the business school by showing students how businesses use information systems and technology to accomplish their goals, objectives, and competitive strategy. Included are three unique Guides per chapter focusing on the themes of ethics, security, and other timely topics; plus a number of illustrative cases, exercises, projects, and other aids to ensure that students connect the knowledge in the text to everyday life. With a new edition now publishing each year, Using MIS, contains fresh, new, and current material to help keep your students up to date.
Personalize learning with My MIS Lab–the online homework, tutorial, and assessment program that fosters learning within and beyond the classroom.
Focus on important themes of ethics, security, and other timely topics through the text’s Guides, designed to help students improve their skills as future business professionals.
Connect classroom knowledge to everyday life with illustrative cases and a number of exercises and other interactive features.
Keep content current to help keep your students up to date with the most recent events.
David Kroenke has many years of teaching experience at Colorado State University, Seattle University, and the University of Washington. He has led dozens of seminars for college professors on the teaching of information systems and technology; in 1991, the International Association of Information Systems named him Computer Educator of the Year. In 2009, David was named Educator of the Year by the Association of Information Technology Professionals-Education Special Interest Group (AITP-EDSIG).
David’s consulting clients have included IBM, Microsoft, and Computer Sciences Corporations, as well as numerous smaller companies.
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《朗文新编幼儿英语教材》New Pre-school Longman Elect 由专业的教育顾问团队编写,为小班、中班、大班的学生设计,教材应用了多感官学习法,能增加孩子学习乐趣,提高学习效能。趣味横生的学习体验,丰富全面的教材方案,帮孩子打好英文基础。
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